Hamza is an Electrical Engineer graduated from the US early 1988, now after 20 years of working experience in the private sector within Kuwait yet exposed to multi cultural and International brands and businesses. He started to coach, train, and mentor in the IBS and Arabi Co as early as 1992. Infatuated with PEOPLEs’ capabilities by experience made it all natural to establish a business focused on touching PEOPLE lives to enable them transformbusinesses and nations.
A Chartered Marketer, a Professional Member of the CIM UK, Fellow Member of the IBC UK, Fellow Member of the ISMM UK, and a Certified Behavioral Consultant OTi Singapore.
In the Financial sector worked with Visa Inc, MasterCard Int, and Barclays Card; helped in the recovery of banks cards business after liberation of Kuwait in 1991. He introduced the first revolving credit card service in Kuwait after comprehensive negotiation with Central Bank. Hamza also introduced the first Cobranded card with MTC (Zain) back in 1996. Hamza led a team of Local Police officers and CID personal with the help of merchants and the BankCard system to capture the largest Credit Card Fraud led to the capturing of big fraud chain in Hollywood California.
In the telecommunication sector, Hamza worked with Nokia, SanDisk, NDS, Disney, and Warner Bros and helped to grow FCC’s business to claim 65% market share and into a holding company with multiple subsidiaries traded in KSE. On the B2B area established the company’s vision to be the preferred micro payment hub for MENA region with 26 Telecom operators connected and ready for mobile VAS services acquired internationally.
Before focusing fully on Knowledge Consulting Hamza, briefly joined Wataniya Telecom early 2008 to gained excellent and in depth knowledge in the operation of the Telecom business.
Putting all these experiences together and partnering with the world best in the human development business, Hamza is determined to transfer the knowledge he and others have to the young and new generation. “Our young generation is the future success of our nation, hence we must contribute to this development”.